The Basketball Fitness Class — Why Basketball Workouts Matter

And 4 Motivational Basketball Ideas From the Godfather of Swish House

Trevor Huffman
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


Photo by ÇAĞIN KARGI on Unsplash

The Basketball Fitness Class — 4 Reasons Why Swish House Basketball Workouts Matter

I. We believe our basketball fitness class can change lives, fitness, and games forever. We know, in basketball training, fitness, and athletic performance, the cost of your positive habits are in the present. The costs of your negative training habits are in your future performance on and off the court.

II. Basketball athletes, young or old, that get frustrated about playing time, or accolades, or stats, or weight loss, or the coach, aren’t learning the most important life lesson that basketball can teach us: that if you optimize for one single goal or destination, you only win when you arrive at that destination. If you live, train, and love the process of the best pro athletes in the field and double down on their process for eating, recovery, training, fitness, and skill development, you’ll eventually reap the dividends and will keep winning for eternity. My college coach at Kent State always said, “Love what you do, not what you get.”



Trevor Huffman

Hi. I'm Trevor. I write about egoless living relative to sports, business, leadership, and fitness. Subscribe today.